Android 初始化脚本语法解析

news/2024/7/10 4:16:03 标签: android, 脚本, service, command, class, path
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Android初始化class="tags" href="/tags/JiaoBen.html" title=脚本>脚本语言包含四种类型的语句:

  • 动作(Actions)
  • 指令(Commands)
  • 服务(Services)
  • 选项(Options)


  • 所有类型的语句都是基于行(line-oriented)的, 一个语句包含若干个tokens,token之间通过空格字符分隔. 如果一个token中需要包含空格字符,则需要通过C语言风格的反斜线('/')来转义,或者使用双引号把整个token引起来。反斜线还可以出现在一行 的末尾,表示下一行的内容仍然属于当前语句。
  • 以'#'开始的行是注释行。
  • 动作(Actions)和服务(Services)语句隐含表示一个新的段落(section)的开始。 所有的指令(class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>commands)和选项(options)归属于上方最近的一个段落。在第一个段落之前的指令(class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>commands)和选项 (options)是无效的。
  • 动作(Actions)和服务(Services)拥有唯一性的名字。如果出现重名,那么后出现的定义将被作为错误忽略掉。

    动作(Actions)是一个有名字的指令(class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>commands)序列。每个动作(Actions)都定义一个触发条件(trigger),用于指示 什么时候执行这个动作。当与动作的触发器匹配的事件发生时,该动作将被添加到一个即将被执行的队列的队尾(除非它已经在队列中)。队列中的 每一个动作被依次取出执行,动作中的每一个指令也将依次执行。初始化程序(Init)在执行一个动作的各项指令的期间,还需要处理其它操作(比如,设备创 建/销毁,属性设置,进程重启)。


on <trigger>
  <class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command>
  <class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command>
  <class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command>

服务 ( Services )

    服务是初始化程序需要启动的一些程序,初始化程序还有可能会在这些程序退出之后重启它们。Services take 一个服务定义的形式如下:
  class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service <name> <pathname> [ <argument> ]*

选项(Options )


disabled This class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service will not automatically start with its class. It must be explicitly started by name.
socket <name> <type>  <perm> [ <user> [ <group> ] ] Create a unix domain socket named /dev/socket/<name> and pass its fd to the launched process. Valid <type> values include dgram and stream . user and group default to 0.
user <username> Change to username before exec'ing this class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service. Currently defaults to root.
group <groupname> [ <groupname> ]* Change to groupname before exec'ing this class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service.  Additional  groupnames beyond the first, which is required, are used to set additional groups of the process (with setgroups() ). Currently defaults to root.
capability [ <capability> ]+ Set linux capability before exec'ing this class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service
oneshot Do not restart the class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service when it exits.
class <name> Specify a class name for the class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service.  All class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>services in a named class must start and stop together. A class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service is considered of class "default" if one is not specified via the class option.




boot This is the first trigger that occurs when init starts (after /init.conf is loaded).
<name>=<value> Triggers of this form occur when the property <name> is set to the specific value <value> .
Triggers of these forms occur when a device node is added or removed.
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service-exited-<name> Triggers of this form occur when the specified class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service exits.


exec <path> [ <argument> ]* Fork and execute a program (<path> ). This will block until the program completes execution. Try to avoid exec. Unlike the builtin class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>commands, it runs the risk of getting init "stuck".
export <name> <value> Set the environment variable <name> equal to <value> in the global environment (which will be inherited by all processes started after this class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command is executed).
ifup <interface> Bring the network interface <interface> online.
import <filename> Parse an init config file, extending the current configuration.
hostname <name> Set the host name.
class_start <class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>serviceclass> Start all class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>services of the specified class if they are not already running.
class_stop <class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>serviceclass> Stop all class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>services of the specified class if they are currently running.
domainname <name> Set the domain name.
insmod <path> Install the module at <path> .
mkdir <path> Make a directory at <path> .
mount <type> <device> <dir> [ <mountoption> ]* Attempt to mount the named device at the directory <dir> <device> . This may be of the form mtd@name to specify a mtd block device by name.
setkey - currenlty undefined -
setprop <name> <value> Set system property <name> to <value> .
setrlimit <resource> <cur> <max> Set the rlimit for a resource.
start <class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service> Start a class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service running if it is not already running.
stop <class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service> Stop a class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service from running if it is currently running.
symlink <target> <path> Create a symbolic link at <path> with the value <target> .
write <path> <string> [ <string> ]* Open the file at <path> and write one or more strings to it with write(2).




init.action Equal to the name of the action currently being executed or "" if none.
init.class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command Equal to the class="tags" href="/tags/COMMAND.html" title=command>command being executed or "" if none.
init.svc.<name> State of a named class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service ("stopped", "running", or "restarting").


on boot
export PATH /sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /system/lib
mkdir /dev
mkdir /proc
mkdir /sys
mount tmpfs tmpfs /dev
mkdir /dev/pts
mkdir /dev/socket
mount devpts devpts /dev/pts
mount proc proc /proc
mount sysfs sysfs /sys
write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
ifup lo
hostname localhost
domainname localhost
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data
import /system/etc/init.conf

class_start default
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service adbd /sbin/adbd
user adb
group adb
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service usbd /system/bin/usbd -r
user usbd
group usbd
socket usbd 666
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote
socket zygote 666
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service runtime /system/bin/runtime
user system
group system
on device-added-/dev/compass
start akmd
on device-removed-/dev/compass
stop akmd
class="tags" href="/tags/SERVICE.html" title=service>service akmd /sbin/akmd
user akmd
group akmd


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